Saturday, April 17, 2010

In a Little While

I know, it seems like it's been forever since I posted.  Things have just been really stressful around the house lately.  As you all know, we are having to move out of our house on the 29th, and as of yet, we have nowhere to live.  We had a great lead on a house and it just sort of....fell through. Murphy's law, right?
So we've been working pretty tirelessly to find a place.  I can't even tell you how much money we have spent on gas driving from Stillwater to Norman in the last week.  And I've never been more sick of using my phone.
Truthfully, I'm sort of hoping something will just sort of appear out of thin air.
We've been packing - half our stuff is already in the boxes strewn about our living room.  Books and movies are mostly whats packed, though we have packed up our hall closet.
I suppose I'll spend most of today doing laundry and hopefully trying to pack up some of the kitchen.  We may have two weeks, but when the day comes I want to just throw it all in a U-Haul and get out of here.  I know for a fact that I'm ready to be out of here, regardless of where we end up.
Please keep us in your prayers until all this blows over.

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